"Genesis affirms that the world was created by a personal God who is good and who loves his creation. God's injunction to humankind to "increase and multiply and have dominion over the earth is not a licence to exploit creation.



In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..........and God saw all God had created was very good. (Genesis)

"Genesis affirms that the world was created by a personal God who is good and who loves his creation. God's injunction to humankind to "increase and multiply and have dominion over the earth is not a licence to exploit creation. In the Book of Psalms, especially Ps 104, and in the Wisdom literature, especially in the Book of Job, there is a clear appreciation that the raison d'être of creation is not primarily in its ability to meet human needs. Creation has its own rights and reasons for being, which are quite apart from its role in sustaining life (cf. Job: chapters 38-41). Creation has intrinsic value because it is created by God, and sustained by God's Spirit. Genesis 2 and 3 challenge us to be stewards of God's creation and to live in companionship with the rest of creation.The command of God to Adam and Eve is "to till and keep" (Gen 2:15)." (Extract from an article written by Imelda Coyne).

We humans,  who were given the stewardship of the earth are the ones who are destroying our planet. What is happening to our rain forests, cut down because developers want money? Our rivers are polluted, depriving people of clean water...and so the tragedy continues. Animals and insects are searching for their place and we continue to take over and destroy...Have we forgotten that we are co-creators with God and need to care for, love and respect our earth?

"We have created a world of a few winners and a great mass of losers who are the first victims of environmental degradation. Can our new globalized economy not do better at hearing the lamentations of the land and the cry of the poor of our land? Do you not hear the Earth calling you, groaning to give birth to something wonderful, something just and holy?" (taken from a reflection by D.Toolan,s.j.)

In Zenit (an international news agency) our Holy Father Pope Benedict says to young people "the beauty of creation is one of the sources in which we can touch the beauty of God, we can see that the Creator exists and is good, that it is true what sacred Scripture says in the creation account" God saw all that God had made and it was very good. (Gen 1). Do we hold sacred, this beauty which mirrors God?

What sort of planet we are going to leave to our children? Will it be lush and beautiful or will we have destroyed this God-given gift? Will we have failed hopelessly in our stewardship? There are many ways of living in loving relationship with Mother Earth. Our behaviour, positive and negative will have an impact.


BIBLIOGRAPHY :     The heart of the Cosmos      by Brian Swimme                                          

                                         Radical Amazement            by Judy Cannato

Sent by Bernadette & JOY (South Africa)