
Pascal DJEUMEGUED - Priest Associate from Cameroon, currently studying in Canada. Over the last few days, I have received many images and a video from the people of Mora, Kourgui and Amchidé, where I worked as a priest. I have kept in touch with those who have access to an Android phone to exchange... Read more
Dear all, It is Easter! The Risen Jesus is in our midst and says to us: "Peace be with you... do not be afraid". Beyond, or rather, through everything that we, and all humanity is currently experiencing, the Risen One is our assurance that life is always reborn from self-giving love and that it... Read more
The Passage between death and new life or resurrection needs very little space. From seed to plant… from caterpillar to butterfly … From foetus to human being … From human-centredness to ecocentrism … from being selfish to planetary awareness and from being Jesus of Nazareth to the Universal Christ... Read more
This year, 2024, has been declared by Pope Francis a year of prayer. Prayer is the centre of our Christian life. Prayer also helps to connect us with the whole world, which is going through tremendous hardships due to war, poverty, and misery. Our Founder, too, wanted prayer to be the cornerstone... Read more
Everyone has something special in their personal life or family that they cherish and share with others. As the Big Family of PBN, we have something unique and special to cherish and treasure from generation to generation, and Jesus blessed us with the Miraculous Benediction. What a privilege! What... Read more
The word Epiphany means "manifestation." Jesus, who was born in the manger at Bethlehem, revealed himself first to the shepherds through the angels, and secondly, he revealed himself to the Magi who came from the east to adore him and offer him their gifts. The feast of the Epiphany indicates God’s... Read more
On January 1st the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. Mary embraces God's will and freely accepts God's grace, thus fulfilling an important role in God's plan of salvation. Down through the centuries, the Blessed Virgin has helped many in the Church to come closer to Christ... Read more
In this joyful Christmas atmosphere the Universal Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth, in a social context where our families have been weakened by various circumstances, longing for credible paradigms to follow. In this Sunday’s Gospel from Luke 2, we are presented with an... Read more
In his days may justice flourish and peace abound, until the moon is no more. (Ps 72,7). These days of Christmas invite us once again to turn our gaze and contemplate the Family of Nazareth in Bethlehem, where God becomes man in a small village of Judea in a poor stable, among animals: a birth that... Read more
"Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace... I bring good news of great joy to you and to all the people: today a Saviour has been born to us" (Lk 2). CHRISTMAS A light in the night... Good news at the crossroads of our history... A hope offered... to all Humanity! Let us be among those who... Read more
The "new beginning” is part of the evolution of our Holy Family history, part of the evolutionary history of the universe where, as we know, every ending is at the same time a new beginning…(Post-Circular 321) On 4 th December 2023, the general house had the installation of the generalate community... Read more
Today, October 27, 2023, is a day dedicated by Pope Francis to prayer, penance, and fasting for peace in the world, especially in countries at war. We'd like to take this opportunity to share with you what we've experienced over the past week, always in favour of peace, particularly in the Great... Read more
Who was Pierre Bienvenu? This charismatic man came into the world at the height of the French Revolution, in 1793 in Bordeaux (France). The great social and economic difficulties also affected the Noailles household. As a child, he was very sensitive and intuitive, but his adolescence was difficult... Read more
The Council of the Family was held in Martillac, France, the Holy Family’s "Holy Land", from 21 to 27 August 2023. This meeting was organized by the Permanent Committee with the theme "Our Charism: Breath of the Spirit in a Synodal Process". The members had the joy of coming together and sharing... Read more
The Continental Session of the Holy Family Temporary Professed of Africa is being held from August 10–20, 2023, at the Catholic University of Central Africa in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The aim of the session is to train the Sisters to support the development of poor/vulnerable women in economic... Read more
After 46 years of missionary work in Africa, when I returned, I felt like a stranger in my own country. Today, at my age, I would still like to be useful where I can be of service. Talking with my Sisters in my community helped me find opportunities to be useful. Near our home is the "Vincentian... Read more
The future of the Association of the Holy Family of Bordeaux a challenge to move forward prophetically as we celebrate our 203rd foundation anniversary on Trinity Sunday 2023 203 Years of existence as a Family is a Miracle that calls for a fitting celebration by the Family of Pierre Bienvenu... Read more
Dear sisters and brothers, I greet you on this Easter with these words of Pope Francis. May the joy and peace of the Risen Jesus be in your hearts. “How beautiful is a Church that can run this way through the streets of our world! Without fear, without schemes and stratagems, but solely with the... Read more
Lent is a most important time for all of us as we reflect on the sacrificial love of our redeemer on the Cross. A grace-filled time is given to us to journey with ourselves and experience Jesus’ companionship in our life journey. Jesus’ mission is to bring the scattered children into one family,... Read more
The heart’s aim of women religious is to express their charism by demonstrating God’s love through acts of service in SRI LANKA. We 9 participants from women religious congregations gathered together, as one body at NayakaKanda, Good Shepherd Convent, Wattala, Colombo, on 27th morning during the... Read more